Galicia, December 7, 2022 – NOW Systems, the ocean division of NOLOGIN OCEANIC WEATHER SYSTEMS S.L.U., announces its incorporation as an independent company, Nologin Oceanic Weather Systems S.L.U., with its headquarters in Galicia, with the aim of taking advantage of the synergies that the Galician environment offers for oceanographic development.
In NOW Systems, we work in the whole chain of services: from the production of general regional services; to value-added tools for very specific cases, such as alert systems for ports and aquaculture.
Nologin together with the Centro de Supercomputación de Galicia (CESGA), is a provider of the European Marine Copernicus Service. More specifically, Nologin is responsible for the operational regional forecasting service of the IBI-MFC (Iberian-Biscai-Irish Monitoring and Forecasting Centre) which provides daily oceanographic forecasts for both physical variables (such as waves, sea level, temperature or current) and biogeochemical parameters. These IBI-MFC forecasts covering the whole Atlantic area between the Canary Islands and Ireland are performed on the Finisterrae-III supercomputer of CESGA. The daily execution of this type of simulations requires more than 1000 computational cores and the capacity to process 1.5 Tb of Input/Output.
In addition, we are working on prototypes of new services based on Artificial Intelligence. The purpose of these is to exploit the enormous potential of relating the growing volume of sensor data (whether in-situ or remote) and models. To train these systems, we need new hardware architectures, such as GPUs.
Although we are currently still operating under Nologin Consulting, the creation of this new company is the natural step in our evolution and consolidation as a firm close to CESGA and all the resources it provides us with.
About NOW Systems
Nologin Ocean Weather Systems (NOW) is a provider of solutions and services for the marine environment, facilitating a more sustainable and profitable management of it. NOW develops scientific-technical solutions based on numerical modeling and artificial intelligence, and making use of the different existing observational products, allows to support operational ocean-atmospheric forecasting and climate monitoring services.
NOW's services also include visualization and value-added tools implemented to meet the specific needs of future customers anywhere in the world and at any scale (global, regional and coastal/local). Nologin is a provider of the Marine Copernicus, leading its IBI-MFC regional forecasting service and participating as a partner in the consortium responsible for its Insitu-TAC observational data service.
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