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Development of e-training material for Copernicus Marine Training Workshops

Design, production, and implementation of practical cases to be taught in the official Copernicus Marine Training Workshops

April 2022 - February 2024

The Client

The Copernicus Marine Service (or Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service), it is funded by the European Commission (EC) and implemented by Mercator Ocean International.

The Challenge

E-training material prepared with the support and expertice of the Application, Monitoring and Forecasting areas

In addition to its role in training and educating users, the training service of Copernicus Marine is of significant importance in the communication and marketing strategy. It helps to increase awareness and knowledge of Copernicus Marines services within the scientific community and other sectors utilizing oceanographic and coastal information. This can enhance the image of the service and reputation and promote the adoption of its services worldwide. In this project, NOW Systems contributes with its scientific and technical knowledge to propose oceanographic topics of interest that will be implemented in the courses. Additionally, NOW Systems is responsible for developing the course content and delivering it through online training.

The project foresees preparation of e-training material for the next 4 Copernicus Marine e-training Workshops. The project includes, and it is based on, 3 types of tasks that are repeated in each course:

  • Proposal of practical cases: Within the topic provided by Mercator Ocean, a proposal of practical cases is developed that includes the specific topics that will be addressed, as well as the datasets that will be used.
  • Development of practical material:The development stage includes the creation of all course content in tutorial format, using various tools such as Python (Jupyter Notebooks), Geographic Information Systems (QGIS), and other programming languages (R). This stage also involves the creation of video tutorials aimed at explaining to users how to carry out each practical case.
  • Course implementation: The final stage of each course involves active participation in online training sessions, explaining the completion of each practical case.

The Results

The collaboration of NOW Systems in the development of Copernicus Marine training courses represents a new line of work within the context of the Copernicus service, in which NOW Systems plays a significant role.

This collaboration not only allows for a broader dissemination of Copernicus training courses, but also enhances the capabilities of Nologin to handle a wide range of Copernicus service products. Moreover, it enables the development of mechanisms to access the WEkEO data and service platform.

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