The Client
The Challenge
Development of software tool that provides support to breakwater maintenance decission making, such as criteria to activate the breakwater monitoring system or maintenance decission recomendations based in failure probability or operational windows based on met-ocean conditions
Within the PI-BREAK project framework, a set of numerical and physical models that provide information on variables that allow, by the assessment of failure probability of the breakwater, the identification of operational windows in which mainteance works can be carried out safely, as well as situations that can lead to structural failures.
The intelligent system will be able to show information from the breakwater monitoring system and the results from the models simulations in order to provide an early warning system in terms of traffic lights (green-orange-red), that provide an easy to follow guideline to help scheduling maintenance works.
This system will be complemented with an atlas of maintenance situations based on a set of scenarios, that can be used as a decission helping tool in future situations.
The Results
The intelligente maintenance system for breakwaters will provide added-value to all R+D tasks done withih the PI-BREAK project, guaranteeing a proper transfer of the adquired knowledge and developed tools to the Port Authority.