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End-User Applications and data visualization

Nologin Oceanic Weather Systems

Understand and use your information

Data circulates around the world; and sometimes, extracting information from data is not an easy task due to its size (big data) or to its own complexity. This is the case for the ocean and the coastal systems.

Our capabilities to understand the widespread panoply of available operational oceanographic data definitively ease the development of tailor-made NOW tools for our customers.

These NOW end-user applications improve the ways of working in the maritime environment and contribute to build digital twins of the ocean and coasts.

The NOW applications ensure a comprehensive data view/analysis, helping our customers to use complex data and to make better (evidence-based) decisions: We build views that answer questions.

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Monitor your target zone

Know real-time sea conditions and access to forecast bulletins for your target zone with your customized NOW System. Have a complete picture, combining information from near-real-time observations and forecast products. Enhance your view of the past, present and future met-ocean conditions in your area, including any other data source of interest for you (i.e., targeted NOW solutions based on high-resolution models, data from your own observational platform, or from other provider).

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Aplicación Cuadro de Mando Medioambinental
Alert Systems Cuadro de Mando Ambiental

Set-up your warning service and support your maritime offshore activities with ad-hoc warning messages/reports

NOW systems can automatically generate:

  • Reports on prevailing environmental conditions at specific regions,
  • Near-real-time customized alerts at selected sites (based on met-ocean variables using thresholds, defined by the end-user and at specific sites of their interest)

Reports and warning messages can be disseminated to anyone decided by the customer (i.e., operators, managers, observers, or other partners involved in the operations or activities) via:

  • Notifications - PUSH
  • SMS
  • Email

In this way, and thanks to immediate response times, preventive actions can be taken by our customers to make safer and more efficient their activities.

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Get NOW Services for decision making